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- Wiley
More About This Title Mindfulness - Be mindful. Live in the moment.
- English
Be calm, collected and in the moment
Too often, life just races by. You don’t fully experience what’s happening now, because you’re too busy thinking about what needs doing tomorrow, or distracted by what happened yesterday. And all the time your mind is chattering with commentary or judgement.
Mindfulness allows you to experience the moment instead of just rushing through it. Being mindful opens you up to new ideas and new ways of doing things, reducing stress and increasing your enjoyment of life.
With ideas, tips and techniques to help you enjoy a more mindful approach to life, you’ll learn how to:
• Adopt more positive ways of thinking and behaving
• Become calmer and more confident
• Break free from unhelpful thoughts and thinking patterns
• Bring about positive changes in your relationships
• Achieve a new level of self-awareness and understanding
Life is happening right now; mindfulness will help you live in the moment, so it doesn’t pass you by!
- English
Gill Hasson works with people from a diverse backgrounds and situations. Her key motivation is her belief in the ability of people to positively change their way of thinking — about life, other people, and themselves.
She is a freelance journalist and writes articles on personal development and relationships for a variety of magazines, including Psychologies and Take A Break, and for a number of websites.
As well as delivering adult education courses in personal development in Brighton, she is an associate tutor for the University of Sussex where she teaches career and personal development and academic study skills. She delivers training in child and adolescent development to preschool, youth and social workers, teachers and parents.
- English
Introduction 1
How Mindful Are You? 11
Part One: Understanding Mindfulness 17
1 Why be Mindful? 19
2 Moving Towards Mindful Thinking 33
3 Mindful Thinking and Feeling 59
4 Mindful Doing 75
Part Two: Putting It into Practice 95
5 Managing Painful Emotions: Anger, Worry and Anxiety, Guilt 99
6 Mindfulness for Self-Esteem: Confidence, Self-Esteem and Loneliness 125
7 Mindful Motivation: Goals and Willpower 141
8 Mindfulness with Others: Listening, Managing Criticism, Forgiving, Persuading and Motivating 159
9 Mindfulness at Work: Interviews, Meetings and Presentations 181
Conclusion 195
References 197
About the Author 199
Acknowledgements 201
Index 203
- English
‘This is a very thoughtful book, full of sensible advice…packed full of practical examples about living in the moment.’ (Hot Brands, Cool Places, July 2013)