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- Wiley
More About This Title Point, Click & Wow!: The Techniques and Habits ofSuccessful Presenters, Third Edition
- English
Completely reworked and updated, this new third edition puts the focus on you, the presenter, who must create a winning presentation every time. Claudyne Wilder's groundbreaking book offers myriad new features and updated slide designs as well as illustrative stories and advice from executives.
Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
- English
- English
Chapter 1: Focus on Your Key Messages.
Fill Out the Presentation Overview.
Choose or Create a Format.
Create an Executive Summary.
Write the Opening and Closing.
Identify and Plot Stories to Tell.
Plan Your Notes.
Decide on Your Handouts.
Chapter 2: Connect to Your Audience.
Seven Ways to Connect to Your Audience.
Connecting Based on Specific Presentations.
Chapter 3: Use Specific PowerPoint Features.
PowerPoint Features That Will Save Time and Make Your Slides Look More Professional.
Engage Your Audience Using Certain PowerPoint Features .
Chapter 4: Design Professional Slide Looks.
Create Specific Content Slides.
Create Professionally Designed "Empty" Content Slides.
Chapter 5: Increase Your Credibility with Effective Slides .
Choose How Many Slides Are Necessary.
Limit the Text to What Is Essential.
Follow the Criteria for Effective Slides .
Chapter 6: Prepare for Technology Success.
Prepare Days Ahead.
Recheck Just Before Your Talk.
Keep Track of Your Laptop and Its Contents.
Present Internationally with Ease.
Learn from Other People's Stories.
The Future of Technology.
Chapter 7: Rehearse Like It's the Real Thing.
Talk Through Your Slides Out Loud as You Create Them.
Do a Real Rehearsal.
Present with Confidence.
Do a Mini-Rehearsal Just Before Your Talk.
Be Yourself While Engaging the Audience.
Chapter 8: Demonstrate Executive Presence.
Choose Your Presence Behaviors.
Plan What to Say about the Data.
Use Entertainment and Drama--When Appropriate.
Do Make a Recommendation.
Be Optimistic.
Consider Your Best Path to Persuasion.
Advice from Executives.
About the Author.
How to Use the CD-ROM.
Pfeiffer Publications Guide.