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- Wiley
More About This Title College Knowledge: What It Really Takes for Students to Succeed and What We Can Do to Get Them Ready
- English
The book is based on an extensive three-year project sponsored by the Association of American Universities in partnership with The Pew Charitable Trusts. This landmark research identified what it takes to succeed in entry-level university courses. Based on the project's findings - and interviews with students, faculty, and staff - this groundbreaking book delineates the cognitive skills and subject area knowledge that college-bound students need to master in order to succeed in today's colleges and universities. These Standards for Success cover the major subject areas of English, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, second languages, and the arts.
- English
- English
About the Author.
PART ONE: From the Current System and the High School of Today to an Aligned, Coherent Program.
O N E Understanding the System.
T W O What High School Students Know About College Readiness.
T H R E E The Old and New Criteria for College Success.
F O U R Current Strategies to Increase College Readiness.
F I V E What Does a High School That Prepares Its Students for College Success Look Like?
S I X Designing High Schools for Intellectual Coherence.
PART TWOThe First-Year Experience and Beyond.
S E V E N Experiencing Success in the First Year of College.
E I G H T What Really Happens in the First Year of College.
N I N E What We Must Do to Create a System That Prepares Students for College Success.
PART THREEKnowledge and Skills for Success.
T E N Standards for Success.
E L E V E N English Knowledge and Skills.
T W E L V E Mathematics Knowledge and Skills.
T H I R T E E N Natural Sciences Knowledge and Skills.
F O U R T E E N Social Sciences Knowledge and Skills.
F I F T E E N Second Languages Knowledge and Skills.
S I X T E E N Arts Knowledge and Skills.
S E V E N T E E N University Work Samples.
A P P E N D I X A Checklist for College Readiness.
B I B L I O G R A P H Y.
I N D E X.
- English