Turfgrass Biology, Genetics and Breeding
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Turfgrass Biology, Genetics and Breeding


The cultivation of various turfgrasses has evolved into a dynamic, multi-billion dollar industry. Yet, there is still a real lack of information available for those seeking to understand the complex science behind its growth. This book, edited by two knowledgeable and highly respected experts, presents for the first time a comprehensive study of the various types of turfgrasses, their genetic and biological makeup, and the specifics of when, how, where and why each species was adapted for use. The only book that deals specifically with the science behind the major types of turfgrasses, Turfgrass Biology will prove to be an invaluable, time-saving reference and research tool for professionals interested or engaged in the genesis of turfgrasses.


MICHAEL D. CASLER, PhD, is a research geneticist with the USDA-ARS and professor in the Department of Agronomy at the University of Wisconsin--Madison. A member and former chair of the Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics program at the university, he's written more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, spoken at numerous international conferences, and developed and registered four improved cultivars of perennial grasses.
RONNY R. DUNCAN, PhD, is a professor of Turfgrass Breeding and Stress Physiology in the Crop and Soil Sciences Department at the University of Georgia, Griffen. He's the author of Seashore Paspalum and Salt-Affected Turfgrass Sites, both published by Wiley.



Origins of the Turfgrasses (M.D. Casler and R.R. Duncan).


Kentucky Bluegrass (D.R. Huff).

Annual Bluegrass (D.R. Huff).

Supina Bluegrass (S. Bughrara).

Texas Bluegrass (J.C. Read and S.J. Anderson).

Rough Bluegrass (R. Hurley).

Perennial Ryegrass (D. Thorogood).

Tall Fescue (W.A. Meyer and E. Watkins).

Fine-Leaved Festuca Species (B.A. Ruemmele, et al.).

Creeping Bentgrass (S.E. Warnke).

Colonial Bentgrass (B.A. Ruemmele).

Velvet Bentgrass (L. Brilman).

Three Minor Agrostis Species: Redtop, Highland Bentgrass, and Idaha Bentgrass (A.D. Brede and M.J. Sellman).

Hairgrasses (L. Brilman and E. Watkins).


Bermudagrass (C.M. Taliaferro).

Buffalograss (T.P. Riordan and S.J. Browning).

Zoysiagrasses (M.C. Engelke and S. Anderson).

Centipedegrass (W.W. Hanna and J. Liu).

Seashore Paspalum (R.R. Duncan).

St. Augustinegrass (P. Busey).

Bahiagrass (P. Busey).

