Geometry Out Loud: Learning Mathematics Through Reading and Writing Activities
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More About This Title Geometry Out Loud: Learning Mathematics Through Reading and Writing Activities


Geometry Out Loud is the second volume in the popular Math Out Loud series. Written for mathematics teachers of students in grades 8-12, this easy-to-use resource is filled with illustrative examples, strategies, activities, and lessons that will help students more easily understand mathematical text and learn the skills they need to effectively communicate mathematical concepts.  Geometry Out Loud outlines the progression of axiomatic geometry through transformational geometry and shows the differences in visual thinking that have occurred over the years. The book is filled with strategies and activities for learning geometry, numerous illustrative examples, and ready-to-use lessons. Geometry Out Loud gives teachers the tools they need to help their students learn how to communicate about math ideas between student and teacher, student and peers, and student and the wider world. For quick access and easy use, the activities are printed in a big 8-1/2" x 11" format for photocopying, and are organized into eight chapters.




Pat Mower, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. Dr. Mower prepares preservice teachers to teach mathematics in elementary, middle, and secondary schools. Her interests include reading and writing in mathematics, and alternative methods for the teaching and learning of mathematics. She is the author of Algebra Out Loud from Jossey-Bass.


The Author.



Geometry Time Line of the Most Important Geometers and Concepts.

PART ONE: Reading to Learn Geometry.

1 Prereading Strategies and Activities.


Review/Preview Process.

Knowledge Ratings.

Anticipation Guides.

PreP (Prereading Plan).

Problem-Solving PreP.


2 Reading and Vocabulary-Building Strategies and Activities.


Magic Square Activity.

Vocabulary Scramble.

Concept Circles.


Semantic Feature Analysis.

Graphic Organizers.

Reading Math Symbols.

Reading Proofs.

Semantic Word Maps.

3 Postreading Strategies and Activities.


Fill in the Picture.

Concept Cards.

Frayer Model.

Question-Answer Relationship (QAR).

Comparison and Contrast Matrix.

4 Readings in Geometry.


Reading 1: Early Geometry.

Reading 2: Types of Geometries.

Reading 3: Important Women Geometers.

Reading 4: A Geometric Awakening.

PART TWO: Writing to Learn Geometry.

5 Writing to Understand Geometry.


In Your Own Words: A Paraphrasing Activity.

Method of Operation.

Geometric Figure Description Activity.

Crib Sheets.

Math Story Activity.

Math Advertisements.

The Writing Is on the Wall.

Creating a Math Mnemonic.

Creation of Written Problems.

Geometric Concept Paragraphs.

Biographies of Geometers.

Experimenting-to-Learn-Geometry Reports.

Concept Math.

Learning Logs.

6 Writing to Communicate Geometry.


Writing Across Campus.

Group Exposition.

Guided Math Poetry.

Math Letters.

Geometer Profiling.

Math Journals.

Mathematical Investigator.

7 Writing as Authentic Assessment.


Muddiest Point.

Geometry Analogies.

One-Minute Summary.

Geometry as a Four-Letter Word!


Geometry Similes, Metaphors, and Analogies.

Targeted Problem-Solving Assessments.

Self-Portrait as a Learner of Geometry.

8 Writing for Assessment.


Math Portfolios.

Math Essays.

Write Questions.

The Geometry of Tessellations.

