101 Ways to Make Meetings Active: Surefire Ideas to Engage Your Group
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Say goodbye to the dull and deadly!Siberman's back--and better thanever!

Think about your last meeting. Was it boring? Meetings often are.You might be yawning just thinking about it. You're not the onlyone!

Those who attAnd stale meetings are as bored with them as thepeople responsible for running them. "Dull and deadly" is never theway to get things done. In his latest book, active trainingspecialist Mel Silberman packs 101 tools, tips, and techniquesguaranteed to brighten your next meeting. You'll move the actionalong while successfully fulfilling genuine business goals andobjectives. This is a resource for everyone!

"Mel has done it again! Use just a few of the more than 200 ideasin this gem of a book and never again will you hear 'ugh, anothermeeting.'"--Glenn M. Parker, team building consultant; author, TeamPlayers and Teamwork; co-author, Teamwork and TeamplayYou'll getthe basics on:
* Preparing a meeting
* Engaging participants right away
* Stimulating discussion
* Prompting creative problem solving
* Managing conflict
* Building consensus
* Creating an unforgettable closing . . . and much more!
Silberman has drawn a few choice tips from his other resources, butmost of 101 Ways to Make Meetings Active consists of all-new,powerful techniques for pumping energy into your businessgatherings. Your meetings and presentations will be more fun thanever before--and you'll also build a stronger, more collaborativesense of mission and purpose.

Stop yawning! No need to be bored when Silberman's on the scene.Aspecial BONUS is the "nuts and bolts" section that contains 140field-tested facilitation tips!


MEL SILBERMAN, Ph.D., is president of Active Training, a provider of cutting-edge training seminars, including Surefire Ways to Make Your Meetings Active and The Consummate Team Facilitator. He is also a professor of adult and organizational development at Temple University, as well as a best-selling author. His recent books include 101 Way to Make Training Active (Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 1995), Active Learning (Allyn & Bacon, 1996), Active Training (2nd ed.) (Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 1998). Dr. Silberman has consulted for hundreds of corporate, governmental, educational, and human service organizations worldwide. He is also a popular speaker at professional conferences.


The Nuts and Bolts of Active Meetings
Preparing Active Meetings
Engaging Participants from the Start
Stimulating Discussion, Dialogue, and Learning
Facilitating Creative Problem Solving
Managing Controversy and Conflict
Building Consensus and Commitment
Creating Unforgettable Endings
Further ReadingAbout the Authors