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More About This Title ABC of Major Trauma 4e
- English
The fourth edition of this ABC has been thoroughly updated and includes new chapters on nuclear and biological emergencies.
Each chapter gives concise and clear guidance and is accompanied by excellent photographs and diagrams.
Edited and written by leading UK trauma authorities, this is a truly comprehensive and practical book for everyday use by emergency medicine staff, nurses, hospital doctors, paramedics, and ambulance services.
This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes, Google Play or the MedHand Store.
- English
Peter Driscoll, Department of Emergency Medicine, Hope Hospital, Salford, UK
- English
List of Contributors vii
Foreword xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgements xv
List of Abbreviations xvii
1 Initial Assessment and Management: Primary Survey and Resuscitation 1
David V. Skinner and Peter A. Driscoll
2 Initial Assessment and Management: Secondary Survey 8
Rachael Pery-Johnston and David V. Skinner
3 The Upper Airway 13
David Watson and Catherine Peters
4 Thoracic Trauma 18
Andrew Blyth
5 Hypovolaemic Shock 29
Jerry P. Nolan and Rick Pullinger
6 Head Injuries 35
Lisa E. Munro-Davies
7 Maxillofacial Trauma 44
Steve R. Watt-Smith Sarah J. Wilson and Karen A. Eley
8 Spine and Spinal Cord Injury 52
Andrew Swain and Andre Cromhout
9 Abdominal Trauma 67
Munawar Al-Mudhaffar and Philip Hormbrey
10 The Urinary Tract 71
Jaskarn Rai Ajith Malalasekera Timothy Terry and Anthony Deane
11 Limb Injuries 78
Rohit Kotnis Nigel Rossiter and Keith Willett
12 Eye Injuries 85
John Elston and Andrew Gibson
13 Medical Problems in Trauma Patients 90
Tom Hughes
14 Radiological Assessment 97
James Rankine David Nicholson Peter A. Driscoll and Dominic Barron
15 Role of the Trauma Nurse 101
Jill Hill
16 Scoring Systems for Trauma 105
Maralyn Woodford
17 Handling Distressed Relatives and Breaking Bad News 109
Chris A. J. McLauchlan
18 Trauma in Pregnancy 116
Rebecca S. Black and Deborah J. Harrington
19 Paediatric Trauma 119
John J. M. Black
20 Trauma in the Elderly 134
Carl L. Gwinnutt and Michael A. Horan
21 Prehospital Trauma Care 140
John J. M. Black
22 Transfer of the Trauma Patient 152
Carl L. Gwinnutt and Alastair W. Wilson
23 Management of Severe Burns 158
Oliver Fenton Colin Robertson and Orla Austin
24 Chemical Incidents 166
Virginia Murray
25 Ballistic Injury 171
Rob Russell Jon Clasper Bruce Jenner Timothy J. Hodgetts and Peter F. Mahoney
26 Trauma in Hostile Environments 180
Mark Byers Peter R. Davis Timothy J. Hodgetts and Peter F. Mahoney
27 Psychological Trauma 186
Martin P. Deahl
28 Major Incidents 191
Lizle Blom and John J. M. Black
29 Trauma Systems in Developing Countries 203
Douglas Wilkinson
Index 209
- English
“This remains a worthy introduction to an important clinical problem for generalists and students.” (Doody’s, 28 June 2013)