Speech Coding: A Computer Laboratory Textbook
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Speech Coding: A Computer Laboratory Textbook


Puts a wealth of speech analysis tools at your fingertips and allows the reader to gain good intuitive sense of how modern speech coders work. Covers all the basic approaches found in speech coding and describes the algorithms in both simple parametric terms and complete equation form. The book is packed with exercises and projects for hands-on experimentation with algorithms. Plus, the accompanying user-friendly, graphical interface software helps to develop a practical, intuitive sense of how modern speech coders work.


Thomas P. Barnwell and Kambiz Nayebi are the authors of Speech Coding: A Computer Laboratory Textbook, published by Wiley.


DSPLAB: The DSP Laboratory Software.

Quantization: PCM and APCM.

Waveform Coding with Fixed Prediction.

Pitch-excited Linear Predictive Vocoder.

Waveform Coding with Adaptive Prediction.

Analysis-by-Synthesis LPC.

Subband Coding.



