Expert Financial Planning: Investment Strategies from Industry Leaders
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More About This Title Expert Financial Planning: Investment Strategies from Industry Leaders


Praise for J.K. Lasser Pro Expert Financial Planning

"A gem of a personal financial planning guide. Dr. Arffa has prepared many of the chapters himself and his highly readable and accessible overviews are presented with grace and clarity. Included also are discussions by industry professionals and leading investment thinkers. Readers seeking to enhance their financial security will be richly rewarded." -Burton Malkiel, author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street

Here is top-level financial planning advice for professionals who counsel affluent clients, as well as for savvy individual investors looking to make the most of their incomes for years to come. Featuring the expertise of some of our most articulate, nationally recognized finance pros, this priceless book will take you through all the steps necessary to creating and realizing a financial plan that's right for your personal needs and goals. Learn how to:
* Set and prioritize goals
* Assess your current financial status
* Make projections for each goal
* Devise a strategy that includes spending, saving, and investing
* Review risk management
* Track your financial progress
* Evaluate the tax consequences of investment decisions
* Select life and disability insurance

. . . all with the help of leaders in their fields, including John C. Bogle * Richard Driehaus * Peter Katt * Weston Wellington * Gregory D. Curtis * Jay Mueller, CFA, and many more . . .


ROBERT C. ARFFA, M.D., is an eye surgeon with a keen interest in financial planning.


About the Contributors.



Developing a Financial Plan (J. Meredith & R. Arffa).

Achieving Financial Security (S. Arffa & R. Arffa).


Investment Vehicles: Description and Historic Performance (R. Arffa).

Earning Interest on Cash (J. Mueller).


Fundamental Stock Analysis (R. Arffa).

Growth Investing (R. Driehaus).

Value Investing: A Philosophy for Life (D. Winters).

Other Stock Selection Strategies (R. Arffa).

The Efficient Markets Hypothesis (J. Clarke, et al.).


Stock Mutual Funds (R. Arffa).

Index Funds and Managed Funds: Echoes of Archilochus (J. Bogle).

Evaluating Mutual Fund Performance (E. Fama & W. Wellington).

When to Sell Your Fund (R. Arffa).

Guidance Gleaned from the Gurus (P. Tanous).

International Investing (R. Arffa).

Hedge Funds (L. Hennessee & C. Gradante).


Private Investment Management (L. Blonkvist).

The Impact of Taxes and Other Costs on Total Returns (L. Swedroe).

Debt in the U.S. Capital Markets (G. Guild).

Real Estate Investment Trusts (R. Deckey).

Venture Capital (D. Hillman).

Asset Allocation (G. Curtis).


Retirement Planning (G. Weinstein & B. Newman).

Estate Planning (H. Apolinsky).

Insurance (P. Katt).

