Order Statistics, Third Edition
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Order Statistics, Third Edition


This volume provides an up-to-date coverage of the theory and applications of ordered random variables and their functions.
Furthermore, it develops the distribution theory of OS systematically.
Applications include procedures for the treatment of outliers and other data analysis techniques.
Even when chapter and section headings are the same as in OSII, there are appreciable changes, mostly additions, with some obvious deletions. Parts of old Ch. 7, for example, are prime candidates for omission.
Appendices are designed to help collate tables, computer algorithms, and software, as well as to compile related monographs on the subject matter.
Extensive exercise sets will continue, many of them replaced by newer ones.


H. A. DAVID, PhD, is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department of Statistics at Iowa State University. He has authored over 100 publications, including the Second Edition of Order Statistics.
H. N. NAGARAJA, PhD, is a professor in the Departments of Statistics and Internal Medicine at The Ohio State University. He coedited, along with P. K. Sen and D. F. Morrison, Statistical Theory and Applications: Papers in Honor of H. A. David, and coauthored, along with B. C. Arnold and N. Balakrishnan, Records.



1. Introduction.

2. Basic Distribution Theory.

3. Expected Values and Moments.

4. Bounds and Approximations for Moments of Order Statistics.

5. The NON-IID Case.

6. Further Distribution Theory.

7. Order Statistics in Nonparametric Inference.

8. Order Statistics in Parametric Inference.

9. Short-Cut Procedures.

10. Asymptotic Theory.

11. Asymptotic Results for Functions of Order Statistics.

Appendix: Guide to Tables and Algorithms.




"…Order Statistics will continue to be the most valuable source of reference for students and researchers alike." (Journal of the American Statistical Association, September 2004)

"This book will be a useful addition to the library of any statistician. It is also a useful guide for students whose interest involves order statistics." (Technometrics, August 2004, Vol. 46, No. 3)

"…continues to be both the textbook and guide to the research literature…the authors present in detail an up-to-date account of…the basic results of the subject of order statistics." (Mathematical Reviews, 2004f)

“...an up-to-date account of the basic results of the subject...” (Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. LXII, No. 1, March 2004)
