Scholastic Journalism, 12th Edition
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More About This Title Scholastic Journalism, 12th Edition


The new 12th edition of Scholastic Journalism is fully revised and updated to encompass the complete range of cross platform multimedia writing and design to bring this classic into the convergence age.

  • Incorporates cross platform writing and design into each chapter to bring this classic high school journalism text into the digital age
  • Delves into the collaborative and multimedia/new media opportunities and changes that are defining the industry and journalism education as traditional media formats converge with new technologies
  • Continues to educate students on the basic skills of collecting, interviewing, reporting, and writing in journalism
  • Includes a variety of new user-friendly features for students and instructors
  • Features updated instructor manual and supporting online resources, available at


C. Dow Tate is a journalism teacher at Shawnee Mission East High School in Prairie Village, Kansas, and the director of the Gloria Shields All-American Publication Workshop sponsored by Dallas County Schools. In 2011, he was named a Kansas Teacher of the Year finalist. He was inducted into the Scholastic Journalism Hall of Fame at the University of Oklahoma and was named a Texas Legend, as one of the most influential people in the state’s 75-year scholastic journalism history. His students’ publications – the newspaper, yearbook and news website -- have earned the nation’s highest honors, including the National Scholastic Press Association’s National Pacemaker and the Columbia Scholastic Press Association’s Gold Crown. Tate has been named the Dow Jones Newspaper Fund’s National High School Journalism Teacher of the Year as well as the Texas Max R. Haddick Teacher of the Year.

Sherri A. Taylor teaches graphic design in the Multimedia, Photography and Design Department of the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. She is also Director of the Empire State School Press Association at Syracuse University, and Director of the School Press Institute, a summer journalism workshop for high school students. As a high school teacher in Irving, Texas, she advised a state and national award-winning yearbook and newspaper. She has been inducted into the Scholastic Journalism Hall of Fame at the University of Oklahoma, was named a Pioneer from the National Scholastic Press Association and received a Gold Key from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. She also received the Max R. Haddick Teacher of the Year award, and named a Texas Legend. She has judged the Society of News Design’s international competition and judged the Katie awards for the Dallas Press Club. She advises a magazine, MPJ, that has won both Associated Collegiate Press Pacemakers and Society of Professional Journalists regional and national Best College Magazine awards.


contents vi

About the authors xi

Preface xii

Acknowledgments xiii

Walk through xvi

Timeline xxii

1 Understanding news 3

2 Interviewing and reporting 29

3 News writing 51

4 Writing specialty stories 81

5 Writing feature stories 111

6 Sportswriting 139

7 Opinion writing 165

8 In-depth reporting 189

9 Coaching writers and editing copy 215

10 Writing headlines 245

11 Typography and production 263

12 Newspaper layout and design 291

13 Yearbook design 323

14 Online journalism 347

15 Visual storytelling: pictures, art and graphics 371

16 Advertising in newspapers and yearbooks 405

17 Student press law 427

18 Ethics for student journalists 451

19 Careers in the media 471

Professional and student organizations 485

Glossary 488

Index 498


“If you can only use one journalism textbook in your class, this is the once to choose. Scholastic Journalism, 12e is comprehensive, well-organized, and up-to-date and it is sure to meet the needs of any journalism classes, from those dealing with traditional news reporting and feature writing to online journalism and graphic design of newspapers, yearbooks, or multimedia projects.”  (The Worlds of R. A. Hortz, 1 September 2013)

“Scholastic Journalism, 12th edition, is the all-in-one, time-tested scholastic journalism text with visuals, examples, lessons and exercises designed for all learning levels in each of the media arts.”
Konnie Krislock, Director, newspapers2 summer workshops