Applied Behavior Analysis: Principles and Procedures for Modifying Behavior
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Applied Behavior Analysis: Principles and Procedures for Modifying Behavior


Sarafino's goal in Principles and Procedures for Modifying Behavior is to create a clear and engaging instrument that describes ways to analyze one's own specific behaviors in terms of the factors that lead to and maintain them and ways to manage those factors to improve the behaviors. The text is based on research, theory, and experiences to explain and provide examples of the concepts and methods of self-management in a comprehensive text. It focuses on topics in applied behavior analysis, behavior modification, behavior therapy, and psychology of learning.

Two general topics shaped this text: making the book relative to a variety of fields by describing applications in psychology, education, counseling, nursing, and physical therapy and different academic levels and preparation. Several important objectives guided the content and organization of the text which is designed to cover a large majority of tasks or concepts that the Behavior Analyst Certification Board ( has identified as the field's essential content and should be mastered by all behavior analysts.


Dr. Edward P. Sarafino is a professor of psychology and is on the board of trustees for The College of New Jersey. He received his BA from Chico State University and his doctorate from the University of Colorado.


PART I Introducing Applied Behavior Analysis.

Chapter 1 What is Applied Behavior Analysis?

Chapter 2 Identifying and Assessing Target Behaviors.

Chapter 3 Using Data and Research Methods in Behavior Analysis.

Chapter 4 Some Areas of Effective Application.

PART II Basic Operant Principles.

Chapter 5 Reinforcement: Positive and Negative.

Chapter 6 Extinction.

Chapter 7 Punishment.

Chapter 8 Antecedents: Stimulus Control.

Chapter 9 Motivation.

PART III Methods to Establish New Operant Behaviors.

Chapter 10 Shaping.

Chapter 11 Shortcut Stimulus Control Methods.

Chapter 12 Chaining Behaviors.

PART IV Methods for Modifying Operant Behaviors.

Chapter 13 Functional Assessment and Program Design.

Chapter 14 Managing Antecedents.

Chapter 15 Using Basic Reinforcement Procedures to Increase a Behavior.

Chapter 16 Using Advanced Reinforcement Procedures to Increase a Behavior.

Chapter 17 Using Extinction, Differential Reinforcement, and Habit Reversal to Decrease a Behavior.

Chapter 18 Using Time-Out and Response-Cost Punishment to Decrease a Behavior.

Chapter 19 Using Positive Punishment to Decrease a Behavior.

Chapter 20 Maximizing and Maintaining Operant Behavior Changes.

PART V Respondent Behaviors and Ways to Change Them.

Chapter 21 Respondent Conditioning.

Chapter 22 Changing Respondent Behaviors.

PART VI Specialized Topics in Behavior Analysis.

Chapter 23 Biofeedback.

Chapter 24 Behavioral Contracts and Self-Management.

Chapter 25 Token Economies.

Chapter 26 Rule-Governed and Verbal Behavior.

PART VII Current Concerns and Future Issues.

Chapter 27 Dilemmas and Ethics.

Chapter 28 Future Challenges for the Field and You.



Author Index.

Subject Index.
