The Online Learning Idea Book: 95 Proven Ways toEnhance Technology-Based and Blended Learning, Volume Two
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More About This Title The Online Learning Idea Book: 95 Proven Ways toEnhance Technology-Based and Blended Learning, Volume Two


Many books recommend teaching and learning strategies based on current learning research and theory. However, few books offer illustrative examples of how to take these strategies and put them into action in the real world. The Online Learning Idea Book is filled with concrete examples of people who make learning more inspiring and engaging every day, in all kinds of settings, all over the world.

In this second volume of The Online Learning Idea Book you will find brand new and valuable ideas that you can adopt or adapt in your own instructional materials, to make them more dynamic and more worthwhile for learners and learning. These ideas will let you peek over the shoulders of some of the world's most creative instructors, instructional designers and developers, trainers, media developers, and others in order to help spark creative ideas of your own.

This hands-on resource will help you build online instructional materials or improve existing materials including online courses, modules, activities, or supplementary materials for classroom-based courses.

This book provides great tips, techniques, and tricks in the following areas: The Design and Development Process, Supporting Learning, Synchronous and Interpersonal Activities, Asynchronous and Self-Paced Activities, and NS Better Media.

Within these pages you will discover creative ways to give your online and blended instruction a boost by adopting and adapting great ideas from others.


Patti Shank, PhD., CPT, is the president of Learning Peaks LLC, an internationally recognized performance and instructional design consulting firm. She is the co-author of Making Sense of Online Learning, editor of The Online Learning Idea Book, Volume 1, co-editor of The E-Learning Handbook, and co-author of Essential Articulate Studio '09.


List of Figures and Exhibits ix

Acknowledgments xv

Preface xvii

Introduction 1

Chapter 1: Ideas for the Design and Development Process 7

Aligning Objectives 8

From Topics to Tasks 12

Online? Yes, No, Maybe So 15

Idea Title: Complexity Analysis 25

Frustration Reduction Checklist 29

Better Collaboration with Your Subject-Matter Expert 32

Multiple-Choice Question Checklist 36

Story-Based Learning v2 39

Chapter 2: Ideas for Supporting Learners and Learning 47

Survival Skills 48

Rules of Engagement 52

Team Review Form 57

Motivation Matters 60

Virtual Campus 64

Read Me First! 69

Pre-Work Verifi cation 72

Accountability Check-In 75

My Personal Learning Network 78

Reading Guide 82

Combating the Free-Rider 87

Learning Log 91

Project Grading Checklist 95

Life Web 101

Reminder Tips 105

Celebrate 108

Installment Plan 111

Chapter 3: Ideas for Synchronous and Social Learning 117

Open House 119

Roll Call 123

Reenergizing Lectures with Insert-Learner-Activity-Here Strategies 126

Group Formation 130

Better Connections with Online Learners 135

Comments, Please 140

Easy Collaborative Documents 143

Virtual Job Interviews 146

Who Are You? Alternative Online Meet-and-Greet Tactics 149

Making Connections 153

Alternative Structures for Online Discussions 157

"Rad" Libs 165

Nonverbal Cues 168

Online Classroom Clickers 171

Online vs. On-Campus Competition 175

Polling for Engagement 177

Back in the Day, Facebook Style 180

Side by Side 184

Turn Up the Music 188

YouTube YouTalk 192

Wiki Review 195

Word Me 199

Chapter 4: Ideas for Self-Paced Learning 203

Branched Scenarios with Three Cs and Placeholder Content 205

Talking Head Video, CNN-Style 210

Bad Advice? 215

Point It Out 219

Simulate It 222

Who's Who 227

Got a Clue? 231

Reduce OnScreen Text 235

My Own Path 242

Chapter 5: Ideas for Media and Authoring 249

Lose the Worn-Out Images, Up the Creativity 250

Pecha Kucha for Learning 253

Find the Right PowerPoint Clip Art 257

PowerPoint Clip Art Surgery 261

PowerPoint Graphics Library 266

Show to Tell 271

First-Person Point of View 277

Create a Television in PowerPoint 280

Easy Video 285

VoiceThread Virtuosity 288

Cheap Stock Photos 293

Silhouette Characters 297

Create Polaroid-Like Images 302

Word Clouds 305

EZ Forms 309

Recording Better Audio 317

Easy Mobile Learning Content: PowerPoint to MP4 321

Rollover Slidelets for Nonrectangular

Rollover Areas in Captivate 5 326

Easier Multi-Language Captivate 5 Application Simulations—Captions 331

Easier Multi-Language Captivate 5 Simulations—Narration 336

Easier Reformatting of Captivate 5 Captions 340

Creating a Slide Replay Button in Captivate 5 344

Using System Variables in Captivate 5 347

Adding a Non-Articulate Flash File as a Tab in Articulate Presenter 351

Linking from Engage to Specifi c Presenter Slides 357

Adding PDFs to Articulate Presenter Projects 361

Embed Articulate Quizmaker Quizzes (or Articulate Engage Interactions) into Adobe Presenter Presentations 366

Glossary 373

About the Editor 377
