Software Radios: Object-Oriented Approaches toWireless Systems Engineering
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Software Radios: Object-Oriented Approaches toWireless Systems Engineering


A software radio is a radio whose channel modulation waveforms are defined in software. All wireless telephones are controlled by this software. Written by the leader in the field, this book covers the technology that will allow cellular telephones to greatly expand the types of data they can transmit.


JOSEPH MITOLA III, PhD, introduced the software radio architecture in 1992. He was the founding chair of the software-defined Radio (SDR) Forum in 1996. He teaches industrial courses on the subject in the United States and Europe for clients such as the U.S. Department of Defense. He is also widely published and cited, having served as editor-in-chief for the landmark May 1995 issue of IEEE (NY) Communications Magazine, the April 1999 Journal on Selection Areas in Communication on Software Radios, and the ongoing series Software and DSP in Radio.


Introduction and Overview.

Architecture Evolution.

The Radio Spectrum and RF Environment.

Systems-Level Architecture Analysis.

Node-Level Architecture Analysis.

Segment Design Tradeoffs.

Antenna Segment Tradeoffs.

RE/IF Conversion Segment Tradeoffs.

ADC and DAC Tradeoffs.

Digital Processing Tradeoffs.

Software Architecture Tradeoffs.

Software Component Characteristics.

Performance Management.

Smart Antennas.


Reference Architecture.





"...shows how to integrate the analogue radio-frequency and digital aspect of radio with the emerging large-scale, object-oriented software technology needed for open-architecture software-defined radio." (SciTech Book News, Vol. 25, No. 3, September 2001)