Transition to Renewable Energy Systems
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In this ready reference, top academic researchers, industry players and government officers join forces to develop commercial concepts for the transition from current nuclear or fossil fuel-based energy to renewable energy systems within a limited time span. They take into account the latest science and technology, including an analysis of the feasibility and impact on the environment, economy and society. In so doing, they discuss such complex topics as electrical and gas grids, fossil power plants and energy storage technologies. The contributions also include robust, conceivable and breakthrough technologies that will be viable and implementable by 2020.
- English
Detlef Stolten is the Director of the Institute of Energy Research at the Forschungszentrum Jülich. Prof. Stolten received his doctorate from the University of Technology at Clausthal,Germany. He served many years as a Research Scientist in the laboratories of Robert Bosch and Daimler Benz/Dornier. In 1998 he accepted the position of Director of the Institute of Materials and Process Technology at the Research Center Jülich. Two years later he became Professor for Fuel Cell Technology at the University of Technology (RWTH) at Aachen. Prof. Stolten's research focuses on fuel cells, implementing results from research in innovative products, procedures and processes in collaboration with industry, contributing towards bridging the gap between science and technology. His research activities are focused on energy process engineering of SOFC and PEFC systems, i.e. electrochemistry, stack technology, process and systems engineering as well as systems analysis. Prof. Stolten represents Germany in the Executive Committee of the IEA Annex Advanced Fuel Cells and is on the advisory board of the journal Fuel Cells.
Viktor Scherer is the Head of the Department of Energy Plant Technology at the University of Bochum, Germany. He received his doctorate from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technolgy (KIT), Germany. Prof. Scherer worked for more than 10 years in the power plant industry for ABB and Alstom. In 2000 he was appointed as a Professor in Energy Plant Technology at the University of Bochum. His research activities are focused on the analysis and description of chemically reacting flow fields in the energy related industry, like power plant, steel and cement industry. Another research aspect is the integration of membranes for carbon capture into Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plants. Prof. Scherer is a member of the scientific advisory board of the VGB Power Tech, the European association of power and heat generation.
Viktor Scherer is the Head of the Department of Energy Plant Technology at the University of Bochum, Germany. He received his doctorate from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technolgy (KIT), Germany. Prof. Scherer worked for more than 10 years in the power plant industry for ABB and Alstom. In 2000 he was appointed as a Professor in Energy Plant Technology at the University of Bochum. His research activities are focused on the analysis and description of chemically reacting flow fields in the energy related industry, like power plant, steel and cement industry. Another research aspect is the integration of membranes for carbon capture into Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plants. Prof. Scherer is a member of the scientific advisory board of the VGB Power Tech, the European association of power and heat generation.
- English
South Korea's Green Energy Strategies
Japan's Energy Policy After the 3.11 Natural and Nuclear Disasters - from the Viewpoint of the R&D of Renewable and Its Current State
The Impact of Renewable Energy Development on Energy and CO2 Emissions in China
The Scottish Government's Electricity Generation Policy Statement
Transiton to Renewables as a Challenge for the Industry - the German Energiewende from an Industry Perspective
The Decreasing Market Value of Variable Renewables: Integration Options and Deadlocks
Transition to a Fully Sustainable Global Energy System
The Transition to Renewable Energy Systems -
On the Way to a Comprehensive Transition Concept
Renewable Energy Future for the Developing World
An Innovative Concept for Large-Scale Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Plants
Status of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Development and Deployment: Hyundai's Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Development as a Best Practice Example
Hydrogen as an Enabler for Renewable Energies
Pre-Investigation of Hydrogen Technologies at Large Scales for Electric Grid Load Balancing
Onshore Wind Energy
Offshore Wind Power
Towards Photovoltaic Technology on the Terawatt Scale: Status and Challenges
Geothermal Power
Catalyzing Growth: An Overview of the United Kingdom's Burgeoning Marine Energy Industry
The Future Role of Fossil Power Plants -
Design and Implementation
Status on Technologies for Hydrogen Production by Water Electrolysis
Hydrogen Production by Solar Thermal Methane Reforming
Biomass -
Aspects of Global Resources and Political Opportunities
Flexible Power Generation from Biomass - an Opportunity for a Renewable Sources-Based Energy System?
Options for Biofuel Production -
Status and Perspectives
Energy Storage Technologies -
Characteristics, Comparison, and Synergies
Advanced Batteries for Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage Systems
Pumped Storage Hydropower
Chemical Storage of Renewable Electricity via Hydrogen -
Principles and Hydrocarbon Fuels as an Example
Geological Storage for the Transition from Natural to Hydrogen Gas
Near-Surface Bulk Storage of Hydrogen
Energy Storage Based on Electrochemical Conversion of Ammonia
Introduction to Transmission Grid Components
Introduction to the Transmission Networks
Smart Grid: Facilitating Cost-Effective Evolution to a Low-Carbon Future
Natural Gas Pipeline Systems
Introduction to a Future Hydrogen Infrastructure
Power to Gas
Transition from Petro-Mobility to Electro-Mobility
Nearly Zero, Net Zero, and Plus Energy Buildings -
Theory, Terminology, Tools, and Examples
China Road Map for Building Energy Conservation
Energy Savings Potentials and Technologies in the Industrial Sector: Europe as an Example
South Korea's Green Energy Strategies
Japan's Energy Policy After the 3.11 Natural and Nuclear Disasters - from the Viewpoint of the R&D of Renewable and Its Current State
The Impact of Renewable Energy Development on Energy and CO2 Emissions in China
The Scottish Government's Electricity Generation Policy Statement
Transiton to Renewables as a Challenge for the Industry - the German Energiewende from an Industry Perspective
The Decreasing Market Value of Variable Renewables: Integration Options and Deadlocks
Transition to a Fully Sustainable Global Energy System
The Transition to Renewable Energy Systems -
On the Way to a Comprehensive Transition Concept
Renewable Energy Future for the Developing World
An Innovative Concept for Large-Scale Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Plants
Status of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Development and Deployment: Hyundai's Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Development as a Best Practice Example
Hydrogen as an Enabler for Renewable Energies
Pre-Investigation of Hydrogen Technologies at Large Scales for Electric Grid Load Balancing
Onshore Wind Energy
Offshore Wind Power
Towards Photovoltaic Technology on the Terawatt Scale: Status and Challenges
Geothermal Power
Catalyzing Growth: An Overview of the United Kingdom's Burgeoning Marine Energy Industry
The Future Role of Fossil Power Plants -
Design and Implementation
Status on Technologies for Hydrogen Production by Water Electrolysis
Hydrogen Production by Solar Thermal Methane Reforming
Biomass -
Aspects of Global Resources and Political Opportunities
Flexible Power Generation from Biomass - an Opportunity for a Renewable Sources-Based Energy System?
Options for Biofuel Production -
Status and Perspectives
Energy Storage Technologies -
Characteristics, Comparison, and Synergies
Advanced Batteries for Electric Vehicles and Energy Storage Systems
Pumped Storage Hydropower
Chemical Storage of Renewable Electricity via Hydrogen -
Principles and Hydrocarbon Fuels as an Example
Geological Storage for the Transition from Natural to Hydrogen Gas
Near-Surface Bulk Storage of Hydrogen
Energy Storage Based on Electrochemical Conversion of Ammonia
Introduction to Transmission Grid Components
Introduction to the Transmission Networks
Smart Grid: Facilitating Cost-Effective Evolution to a Low-Carbon Future
Natural Gas Pipeline Systems
Introduction to a Future Hydrogen Infrastructure
Power to Gas
Transition from Petro-Mobility to Electro-Mobility
Nearly Zero, Net Zero, and Plus Energy Buildings -
Theory, Terminology, Tools, and Examples
China Road Map for Building Energy Conservation
Energy Savings Potentials and Technologies in the Industrial Sector: Europe as an Example