Chemical Protective Clothing Performance Index, Second Edition
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Chemical Protective Clothing Performance Index, Second Edition


The world's most comprehensive source of performance data onchemical protective clothing The Performance Index providesindustrial hygienists and workplace safety professionals with themost complete, up-to-date, reliable resource for making informeddecisions on chemical protective clothing (CPC). Painstakinglycompiled and evaluated by internationally recognized expertsKrister Forsberg and Lawrence Keith, this new and expanded editionpresents virtually all available data on the resistance of CPC to awide variety of chemicals. Coverage spans test records frommanufacturers worldwide, including CPC permeation and degradationdata obtained with ASTM methods as well as other regulatorystandards. Organized by chemical name and CAS Number, the newedition features:
* Over 10,500 chemical permeation tests--more than double thenumber of the 1989 edition
* An additional 3,000+ chemical degradation tests
* Coverage of 860 chemicals and mixtures--200 more than in the lastedition
* Information on more than 350 different types and models of CPC,including gloves, hazmat suits, boots, visors, and more
* Roughly 50,000 data entries on such subjects as test material,thickness, permeation rates, breakthrough times, permeation indexnumbers, and references--twice as many as in the last edition
Also available from Wiley . Quick Selection Guide to ChemicalProtective Clothing Third Edition by Krister Forsberg and S. Z.Mansdorf 0-471-28797-0 Based on data from the Performance Index,this bestselling guide includes information on 600 chemicals and 16representative barrier materials used in gloves, suits, and otheritems of protective clothing. It offers the same recommendations asthe excellent and comprehensive Performance Index, yet in aconcise, readily accessible format.


KRISTER FORSBERG is an internationally recognized expert on protective clothing. He has been an active member of ASTM Committee F23 on Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment and convenor of EN Chemical and micro-organism within CEN/TC162.


Permeation Index Number.

Chemical Protective Clothing Tested.

Chemicals and Mixtures.

Manufacturer Contact Information.


Reported Test Data.
