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More About This Title Process Engineering and Industrial Management
- English
Process Engineering, the science and art of transforming raw materials and energy into a vast array of commercial materials, was conceived at the end of the 19th Century. Its history in the role of the Process Industries has been quite honorable, and techniques and products have contributed to improve health, welfare and quality of life. Today, industrial enterprises, which are still a major source of wealth, have to deal with new challenges in a global world. They need to reconsider their strategy taking into account environmental constraints, social requirements, profit, competition, and resource depletion.
“Systems thinking” is a prerequisite from process development at the lab level to good project management. New manufacturing concepts have to be considered, taking into account LCA, supply chain management, recycling, plant flexibility, continuous development, process intensification and innovation.
This book combines experience from academia and industry in the field of industrialization, i.e. in all processes involved in the conversion of research into successful operations. Enterprises are facing major challenges in a world of fierce competition and globalization. Process engineering techniques provide Process Industries with the necessary tools to cope with these issues. The chapters of this book give a new approach to the management of technology, projects and manufacturing.
Part 1: The Company as of Today
1. The Industrial Company: its Purpose, History, Context, and its Tomorrow?, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.
2. The Two Modes of Operation of the Company – Operational and Entrepreneurial, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.
3. The Strategic Management of the Company: Industrial Aspects, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.
Part 2: Process Development and Industrialization
4. Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.
5. Foundations of Process Industrialization, Jean-François Joly.
6. The Industrialization Process: Preliminary Projects, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont and Michel Royer.
7. Lifecycle Analysis and Eco-Design: Innovation Tools for Sustainable Industrial Chemistry, Sylvain Caillol.
8. Methods for Design and Evaluation of Sustainable Processes and Industrial Systems, Catherine Azzaro-Pantel.
9. Project Management Techniques: Engineering, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.
Part 3: The Necessary Adaptation of the Company for the Future
10. Japanese Methods, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.
11. Innovation in Chemical Engineering Industries, Oliver Potier and Mauricio Camargo.
12. The Place of Intensified Processes in the Plant of the Future, Laurent Falk.
13. Change Management, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.
14. The Plant of the Future, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.
- English
Jean-Pierre Dal Pont is President of SFGP(French Chemical Engineering Society ), General Secretary of EFCE(European Federation of Chemical Engineering) and President of SECF (Societé des Experts Chimistes de France).
- English
Foreword xv
Richard DARTON
Foreword xvii
Introduction xix
Jean-Pierre DAL PONT
Acknowledgments xxv
Chapter 1. The Industrial Company: its Purpose, History, Context, and its Tomorrow? 3
Jean-Pierre DAL PONT
1.1. Purpose, structure, typology 4
1.2. A centennial history 8
1.3. New challenges imposed by globalization and sustainable development 24
1.4. Our planet 32
1.5. The company of tomorrow. Some thoughts 45
1.6. Bibliography 49
Chapter 2. The Two Modes of Operation of the Company – Operational and Entrepreneurial 51
Jean-Pierre DAL PONT
2.1. Operational mode 53
2.2. Entrepreneurial mode, project management – the operational/entrepreneurial conflict 96
2.3. Bibliography 99
Chapter 3. The Strategic Management of the Company: Industrial Aspects 101
Jean-Pierre DAL PONT
3.1. Systemic view of the industrial company 102
3.2. Strategy and strategic analysis of the company 103
3.3. Development of the strategic plan: its deliverables 107
3.4. Technological choices and vocations 108
3.5. Bibliography 111
Chapter 4. Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering 115
Jean-Pierre DAL PONT
4.1. History of chemical engineering and process engineering 115
4.2. Process engineering 119
4.3. The chemical reactor 121
4.4. Bioreactors 126
4.5. Transportation and transfers 129
4.6. Unit operations 131
4.7. Separation processes: process engineering and the new challenges for life sciences 141
4.8. Acknowledgments 144
4.9. Bibliography 145
Chapter 5. Foundations of Process Industrialization 147
Jean-François JOLY
5.1. Introduction 147
5.2. The various stages of process development: from research to the foundations of industrialization 148
5.3. The pre-study (or pre-development process) 149
5.4. Development stage of the process 157
5.5. General conclusion 184
5.6. Bibliography 186
5.7. List of acronyms 188
Chapter 6. The Industrialization Process: Preliminary Projects 189
Jean-Pierre DAL PONT and Michel ROYER
6.1. Steps of industrialization 192
6.2. Bases of industrialization or process development 193
6.3. Feasibility study 194
6.4. Cost and typical duration of industrialization studies 198
6.5. Content of an industrialization project – conceptual engineering 199
6.6. Typical organization of an industrialization project 201
6.7. Business/industrial interface 202
6.8. Typology of industrialization projects 204
6.9. The industrial preliminary projects 205
6.10. Selection of production sites 209
6.11. The consideration of sustainability in the preliminary projects 210
6.12. Tips for conducting preliminary projects 215
6.13. Modification of the project scope 222
6.14. Host site 223
6.15. Reporting 228
6.16. Bibliography 232
Chapter 7. Lifecycle Analysis and Eco-Design: Innovation Tools for Sustainable Industrial Chemistry 233
7.1. Contextual elements 233
7.2. The chemical industry mobilized against upheavals 237
7.3. The lifecycle analysis, an eco-design tool – definitions and concepts 243
7.4. Innovation through eco-design 258
7.5. Limits of the tool 267
7.6. Conclusion: the future of eco-design 271
7.7. Bibliography 273
Chapter 8. Methods for Design and Evaluation of Sustainable Processes and Industrial Systems 275
8.1. Introduction 275
8.2. AIChE and IChemE metrics 279
8.3. Potential environmental impact index (waste reduction algorithm) 286
8.4. SPI (Sustainable Process Index) 292
8.5. Exergy as a thermodynamic base for a sustainable development metrics 294
8.6. Indicators resulting from a lifecycle assessment 294
8.7. Process design methods and sustainable systems 297
8.8. Conclusion 299
8.9. Bibliography 301
Chapter 9. Project Management Techniques: Engineering 307
Jean-Pierre DAL PONT
9.1. Engineer and engineering 307
9.2. Project organization 310
9.3. Management tools for industrial projects 314
9.4. The engineering project: from Process Engineering to the start of the facility 331
9.5. The amount of investment 346
9.6. Profitability on investment [DOR 81, MIK 10] 350
9.7. Conclusion 353
9.8. Bibliography 353
Chapter 10. Japanese Methods 357
Jean-Pierre DAL PONT
10.1. Japan from the Meiji era to now. The origin of the Japanese miracle 357
10.2. W.E. Deming and Japan 359
10.3. The Toyoda family – Taiichi Ohno – The Toyota Empire 362
10.4. Toyotism 363
10.5. The American response 368
10.6. Bibliography 369
Chapter 11. Innovation in Chemical Engineering Industries 371
Oliver POTIER and Mauricio CAMARGO
11.1. Definition of innovation 372
11.2. Field of innovation in the chemical engineering industry 376
11.3. The need for innovation 377
11.4. Methods for innovation in chemical engineering industry 380
11.5. Conclusion 395
11.6. Bibliography 396
Chapter 12. The Place of Intensified Processes in the Plant of the Future 401
Laurent FALK
12.1. Process intensification in the context of sustainable development 401
12.2. Main principles of intensification 404
12.3. Connection between intensification and miniaturization 408
12.4. Applications 414
12.5. New economic models implied by process intensification 416
12.6. Conclusion 429
12.7. Bibliography 430
Chapter 13. Change Management 437
Jean-Pierre DAL PONT
13.1. The company: adapt or die 438
13.2. The company: processes and know-how 438
13.3. Human aspects of change 444
13.4. Basic tools for change management 447
13.5. Changes and improvement of the industrial facility 454
13.6. Re-engineering, the American way 461
13.7. Conclusion 462
13.8. Bibliography 463
Chapter 14. The Plant of the Future 465
Jean-Pierre DAL PONT
14.1. Developed countries – companies – industrial firms 466
14.2. Typology of means of production 469
14.3. Product and plant design 473
14.4. Management of production and operations (MPO) 477
14.5. The IT revolution – IT management 479
14.6. And the individual? 480
14.7. Conclusion 481
14.8. Bibliography 482
List of Authors 485
Index 487