Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias - BasicConcepts and Clinical Applications 3e
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More About This Title Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias - BasicConcepts and Clinical Applications 3e


Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias has been so extensively updated for its third edition that the book now features a new title: Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias: Basic Concepts and Clinical Applications. The editors bring you 21 polished chapters, each updating the fundamentals and progressing to advanced concepts, providing state-of-the-art knowledge with highly relevant material for experienced electrophysiologists as well as fellows in training.

This streamlined new edition features:
• Two new editors, both widely published and leaders in the field of catheter ablation
• 21 instead of 39 chapters, achieved by focusing on primary topics of broad interest and assimilating information from a wide range of sources
• Fewer authors, chosen for their recognized contributions to the topics under discussion, providing a more integrated and coherent approach
• Anatomic insights from leading pathologist Siew Yen Ho, integrated with new information from imaging technologies

Each chapter dealing with ablation of a specific arrhythmia features the author's personal approach to ablation of the arrhythmia, including practical "how-to" tips, and a review of potential pitfalls. Alternate approaches and variations are succinctly summarized. Original figures and drawings illustrate specific approaches to improve the usability of the book.


David J. Wilber, MD
Cardiovascular Institute
Loyola University Medical Center
Maywood, IL, USA

Douglas L. Packer, MD
Division of Cardiac Electrophysiology/Cardiology
Department of Internal Medicine
Mayo Clinic and Foundation
Rochester, MN, USA

William G. Stevenson, MD
Director, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology Program
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Associate Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA, USA


List of Contributors.



I Fundamentals.

1 Overview of cardiac anatomy relevant to catheter ablation: Siew Yen Ho (Royal Brompton Hospital).

2 Biophysics and pathophysiology of lesion formation by transcatheter radiofrequency ablation:.

David E. Haines (William Beaumont Hospital).

3 Alternative energy sources for catheter ablation: Saman Nazarian (The Johns Hopkins Hospital) and Hugh Calkins (The Johns Hopkins Hospital).

4 Mapping for localization of target site: William G. Stevenson (Brigham and Women’s Hospital).

5 Three-dimensional mapping technology and techniques: applications in atrial fibrillation:.

Douglas L. Packer(Mayo Clinic and Foundation).

6 Utility of intracardiac echocardiography in cardiac electrophysiology: Douglas L. Packer (Mayo Clinic and Foundation).

7 Catheter ablation in young patients: special considerations: Edward P. Walsh (Boston Children’s Hospital).

II Supraventricular tachycardia.

8 Focal atrial tachycardias: Satoshi Higa (University of the Ryukyu), Ching-Tai Tai (National Yang-Ming University), and Shih-Ann Chen (National Yang-Ming University).

9 Catheter ablation of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia: Warren M. Jackman (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Deborah Lockwood (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Hiroshi Nakagawa (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Sunny S. Po (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Karen J. Beckman (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Richard Wu (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Zulu Wang (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Benjamin J. Scherlag (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Anton Becker (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), and Ralph Lazzara (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center).

10 Catheter ablation of accessory pathways: Aman Chugh (University of Michigan), Frank Bogun (University of Michigan), and Fred Morady (University of Michigan).

11 Diagnosis and ablation of typical and reverse typical (type 1) atrial flutter: Gregory K. Feld (University of California, San Diego School of Medicine), Ulrika Birgersdotter-Green (University of California, San Diego School of Medicine), and Sanjiv Narayan (University of California, San Diego School of Medicine).

12 Catheter ablation of macroreentrant right and left atrial tachycardias: Hiroshi Nakagawa (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Warren M. Jackman (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Katsuaki Yokoyama (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Richard Wu (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Karen J. Beckman (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Sunny S. Po (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Deborah Lockwood (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Sameer Oza (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Himanshu Shukla (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), Lisa Herring (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center), and Ralph Lazzara (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center).

III Atrial fibrillation.

13 Circumferential ablation of the pulmonary veins: Carlo Pappone (San Raffaele University Hospital) and Vincenzo Santinelli (San Raffaele University Hospital).

14 Long linear lesions in the treatment of atrial fibrillation: Li-Fern Hsu (Hôpital Cardiologique du Haut-Lévêque), Prashanthan Sanders (Hôpital Cardiologique du Haut-Lévêque), Mélèze Hocini (Hôpital Cardiologique du Haut-Lévêque), Michel Haïssaguerre (Hôpital Cardiologique du Haut-Lévêque), and Pierre Jaïs (Hôpital Cardiologique du Haut-Lévêque).

15 Mapping the electrophysiologic substrate to guide atrial fibrillation ablation: Koonlawee Nademanee (Pacific Rim Electrophysiology Research Institute), Mark Schwab (Valley Isle Cardiology), Joshua Porath (Biosense Webster (Israel)), and Aharon Abbo (Biosense Webster (Israel)).

16 Ablation for rate control of atrial fibrillation: Harish Doppalapudi (University of Alabama at Birmingham) and G. Neal Kay (University of Alabama at Birmingham).

IV Ventricular tachycardia.

17 Ablation of idiopathic right ventricular tachycardia: David J. Wilber (Loyola University Medical Center) and Sandeep Joshi (Loyola University Medical Center).

18 Idiopathic left ventricular tachycardias: Akihiko Nogami (Yokohama Rosai Hospital) and Hiroshi Tada (Gunma Prefectural Cardiovascular Center).

19 Catheter ablation of stable ventricular tachycardia after myocardial infarction: William G. Stevenson (Brigham and Women’s Hospital).

20 Substrate-based ablation of postinfarction ventricular tachycardia: David J. Wilber (Loyola University Medical Center).

21 Ablation of ventricular tachycardia associated with nonischemic structural heart disease: Jason T. Jacobson (Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania), David Lin (Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania), Ralph J. Verdino (Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania), Joshua Cooper (Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania), and Francis E. Marchlinski (Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania).

