Disrupt or Be Disrupted: A Blueprint for Change in Management Education
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More About This Title Disrupt or Be Disrupted: A Blueprint for Change in Management Education


An evidence-based approach to improving the practice of graduate management education

Compiled by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) and with contributions by administrators and professors from the top global MBA programs, this book provides business school decision-makers with an evidence-based approach to improving the practice of graduate management education. The book is designed to help navigate the pressures and create revolutionary platforms that leverage a school's unique competitive advantage in a design distinctly tailored for today's business realities.

  • Offers a unique handbook for improving graduate management education
  • Contains contributions from an international group of deans and professors that lead MBA programs
  • Sponsored by GMAC, owner of the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) exam used by over 5,000 programs worldwide

This important resource gives academics a proven approach for improving graduate-level management programs.


Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) Founded in 1953 by the deans and admissions officers of leading schools of business and management, the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is owner and administrator of the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)—the most widely adopted and trusted admissions exam of its kind. More than 2,000 schools in 110 countries today use the GMAT exam to assess applicants to more than 6,000 graduate business and management programs. With its vision of being the leader in connecting talent and aspiration to opportunity, GMAC has expanded its business and staff—as well as its membership—internationally and has adapted its role in graduate management education to include professional development, industry-wide conferences, world-class research, product development, and the global promotion of management education. Today, the not-for-profit Council continues in its mission to improve the discovery and evaluation of talent and deliver on its core belief that business and management—and the teaching of both– are critical to the economic, social, and financial well-being of people worldwide.

Brooks C. Holtom
is associate professor of management at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University.

Erich C. Dierdorff is associate professor of management at the Driehaus College of Business at DePaul University in Chicago.


Foreword vii

George S. Yip

Introduction: The Change Imperative 1
Brooks C. Holtom and Lyman W. Porter

Chapter 1 Ensuring and Enhancing Future Value 21
Erich C. Dierdorff, Denis J. Nayden, Dipak C. Jain, and Subhash C. Jain

Chapter 2 Framing and Making Strategic Choices 57
Michael Hay

Chapter 3 Managing Aspirations, Resources, and Cost Structures 95
Jikyeong Kang and Andrew W. Stark

Chapter 4 Intellectual Signatures: Impact on Relevance and Doctoral Programs 131
JC Spender and Rakesh Khurana

Chapter 5 Curriculum Matters: Toward a More Holistic Graduate Management Education 179
Sara L. Rynes and Jean M. Bartunek

Chapter 6 Overlooked and Unappreciated: What Research Tells Us About How Teaching Must Change 219
Kenneth G. Brown, J. Ben Arbaugh, George Hrivnak, and Amy Kenworthy

Chapter 7 Student Engagement: Selection, Management, and Outcomes 259
Daniel C. Feldman

Chapter 8 Reclaiming Quality in Graduate Management Education 297
Robert S. Rubin and Frederick P. Morgeson

Epilogue 347
Erich C. Dierdorff and Brooks C. Holtom

Acknowledgments 373

About the Contributors 375

Name Index 395

Subject Index 405
