Understanding and Promoting Transformative Learning: A Guide for Educators of Adults, 2nd edition
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More About This Title Understanding and Promoting Transformative Learning: A Guide for Educators of Adults, 2nd edition


In the second edition of her landmark book, Understanding and Promoting Transformative Learning, Patricia Cranton helps translate theory to practice and guides readers through the many and varied new developments in transformative learning that have emerged in the decade since publication of the first edition. As in the first edition, the book explains the transformative learning theory, describes the process from the learner’s perspective, explores individual differences in transformative learning, presents strategies for fostering transformative learning, and discusses how adult educators themselves are transformative learners. The second edition of this important book draws on the most recent scholarship in adult education and contains information about new theoretical developments including the role of imagination and spirituality in transformation, the importance of affect in the process, the idea of connected knowing, contributions from critical theory, and a holistic model of transformative learning.



Patricia Cranton is visiting professor of adult education at The Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg, as well as adjunct professor at Teachers College, Columbia University, where she teaches courses in transformative learning both online and in workshop format. She has been writing about, teaching, conducting research on, and giving workshops and invited addresses on transformative learning for more than a decade. Cranton is the author of numerous books including the first edition of Understanding and Promoting Transformative Learning and Professional Development as Transformative Learning, both from Jossey-Bass.


Preface to the Second Edition.

About the Author.

1. Dimensions of Adult Learning.

2. Transformative Learning Theory.

3. A Theory in Progress.

4. Transformation: The Learner’s Story.

5. Individual Differences.

6. Educator Roles.

7. Empowering Learners.

8. Fostering Critical Self-Reflection and Self-Knowledge.

9. Supporting Transformative Learning.

10. The Educator’s Transformative Journey.




"Researchers and students seeking an understandable intro to this field…will find this text a very helpful place to begin." (TC Record, March 14 2007)

"very strongly recommended" (Library Bookwatch, June 2006)

Praise for Patricia Cranton

"Perceptive, provocative, and lucid, Patricia Cranton’s clear and careful analysis and her down-to-earth examples of transformative learning concepts move my work significantly closer to the practitioner. Highly recommended!"
—Jack Mezirow, professor emeritus of adult education, Teachers College,
Columbia University

"Patricia Cranton shows us how teachers and facilitators can and must be understood as adults engaged in transformative learning. By highlighting case studies of how individual educators learn about their practice, she helps us rethink the way professional development is conceived and conducted."
—Stephen Brookfield, distinguished professor, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota

"Patricia Cranton has given us a book that is insightful and inclusive, practical as well as analytical. She provides a skillful integration of theory and practice about the complex issue of professional development for adult educators without denying that complexity or losing contextual concerns."
—Dorothy MacKeracher, professor of adult education, University of New Brunswick
