Strategic Executive Development: The Five Essential Investments
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Strategic Executive Development: The Five Essential Investments


Strategic Executive Development--written by three leaders in the field of executive development, James F. Bolt, Michael McGrath and Michael Dulworth--shows how world-class companies use executive development to drive business strategy and affect growth. This important resource presents five strategic uses of executive development that produce demonstrable business impact. Based on empirical data gathered from their extensive research and consulting, and a comprehensive survey of executive development in leading organizations, this book answers the key question: What are the investments in executive development that have the biggest impact?  Using illustrative case studies, the authors clearly demonstrate how executive development is being successfully implemented at some of the world's most recognizable and enduring companies, including Texas Instruments. These cases describe what is working and why, offer insights into the key process steps, and show how companies have measured and validated the effects of executive development. Strategic Executive Development offers the framework needed to create an executive development strategy and program that will help your organization achieve measurable business results and develop the executive capabilities needed to win in the marketplace.


James F. Bolt is chairman and founder of Executive Development Associates, Inc., a leading consulting firm specializing in the strategic use of executive development. He was selected by the Financial Times as one of the top experts in executive and leadership development; Linkage, Inc., named him one of the top fifty executive coaches in the world. Bolt is an online columnist for Fast Company. His previous books include Executive Development: A Strategy for Corporate Competitiveness and The Future of Executive Development.

Michael Dulworth is the managing director of Executive Development Associates, Inc.

Michael McGrath, PhD., is vice president ofExecutive Development Associates, Inc.



1. Critical Trends in Executive Development: What Lies Ahead?

2. Creating Executive Development Strategies and Programs That Support Your Business Objectives.

3. The Five High-Impact Uses of Executive Development.

4. Creating Strategic Unity and Alignment.

5. Ensuring the Successful Transition of New Executives.

6. Accelerating the Development of Emerging Leaders.

7. Transforming Organizations.

8. Identifying and Addressing Critical Business Challenges.

9. The Business Impact of Corporate Executive Development.

Appendix A: EDA 2004 Trends Survey Advisory Board.

Appendix B: EDA 2004 Trends Survey Respondent Demographics.

Appendix C: Definitions of Twelve Best Practices from the EDA 2004 Trends Survey.

Appendix D: Comparing 2000 and 2004 Trends Survey Results.

Appendix E: Research and Analysis: Examples of Documents to Gather and Review.

Appendix F: Design: Typical Action-Oriented Learning Activities.

Appendix G: Pilot Program: Typical Facilitator Activities.

Appendix H: EDA’s Rapid-Cycle Design® Process.

Appendix I: Web-Based Survey: Typical Question Themes.

Appendix J: Different Ways of Measuring Executive Development.


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