Just Like Us: 15 Biblical Stories with Take-Away Messages You Can Use in Your Life
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In Just like Us, a medical doctor, a minister, and a psychologist evaluate fifteen major biblical figures -- Paul, David, Naomi, Gideon, and Daniel -- and explain how, like them, we too fit into God?s plan. Just Like Us provides us with a meaningful way to bring the lessons of the Bible to life by helping us to identify with key figures of the Bible and apply their experiences to the everyday stresses and challenges of our lives. From these people who lived and worshiped God thousands of years ago we can learn how to live an inspired life today. While the pressures of our lives (telephones, traffic, and threats of nuclear war) are very different from those of ancient times, the life-and-death issues with which these biblical figures grappled are the same as ours.


Dr. Frank Minirth is founder and president of the Minirth Clinic in Richardson, Texas. He has authored or coauthored over sixty books, including the bestselling Happiness Is a Choice. He is currently featured on the national radio program "Life Perspectives" with Don Hawkins.
Don Hawkins serves as the president of Southeastern Bible College in Birmingham, Alabama. He is the former cohost and producer of the worldwide "Back to the Bible" radio program, has authored or coauthored over twenty books, and is host of the live nationwide call-in program "Life Perspectives."
Roy Vogel is a psychologist and board-certified psychopharmacologist based in New Jersey. He is founder of Advent Counseling Centers and host of the New Jersey radio program "Lyrics to Live By."


"Just Like Us [has] . . . tremendous application for all our lives. It make the Bible come alive!"--Ken Blanchard, co-founder, The Center for Faithwalk Leadership and co-author, The One Minute Manager and The Servant Leader

 “If you’ve ever felt a disconnect with all those Bible heroes, Just Like Us is for you. The authors turn them into your friends and neighbors. You’ll see their fears and foibles are as common as your own and learn how to connect with God’s power as they did.’--Dr. Woodrow Kroll, president, Back to the Bible

“This is the best series of biographical studies of Bible characters I have seen. The balance of solid biblical truth and sound psychological insight is just right. It’s a valuable manual for personal study and improvement as well as a gold mine for teachers and preachers of the Bible.’--Warren W. Wiersbe, author and conference speaker

 “The Bible is living history focused on ordinary personalities. Though some were anointed by God with ‘beyond the norm’ supernatural gifts and abilities, their humanness with all its weaknesses remains intact. This book helps us focus on these ordinary personalities and the spiritual lessons we can learn; particularly from this ‘humanness’ that is 24/7 reality for all of us. I recommend it highly.”--Dr. Gene A. Getz, pastor emeritus, Fellowship Bible Church North, and director, Center for Church Renewal, Plano, Texas
