Building Type Basics for Performing Arts Facilities
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  • Wiley

More About This Title Building Type Basics for Performing Arts Facilities


This Building Type Basics book provides an accessible guide to the essentials of designing these specialized environments—including the underlying issues of financing, feasibility, and the diverse roles of the design and construction team, sponsor, banks, impresario, and manager. Complete with a wealth of descriptive floor plans, diagrams, photographs, and case studies, it features need-to-know information on design including such technical topics as lighting, acoustics, and materials.


HUGH HARDY, FAIA, is a principal of the New York firm H3 Hardy Collaboration Architecture, LLC (a successor firm of Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates), which is recognized for its performing arts projects, including theaters and concert halls. Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates won the 1981 AIA National Firm of the Year Award and designed Minneapolis's Orchestra Hall, and Hardy was personally responsible for restoration of Radio City Music Hall and two theaters on 42nd Street in New York City.

STEPHEN A. KLIMENT, FAIA (Series Founder and Editor), is an architectural journalist and an adjunct professor at the City College of New York. He was chief editor of Architectural Record from 1990 to 1996.


Preface (Stephen A. Kilment).


Introduction (Hugh Hardy).

1. Planning the Theater (Hugh Hardy).

2. A Place Designed for Performance (Joshua Dachs).

3. An Auditorium and Stage Design Guide (Richard Pilbrow).

4. Stage Design: Technology and Flexibility (Leonard Auerbach, Steve Pollock and Steven Friedlander).

5. Backstage Planning (Keith Gerchak).

6. Incorporating Building Codes (Jack Martin).

7. Principles of Acoustic Design (Lawrence Kirkegaard and Dawn Schuette).

8. Flexibility in Acoustic Design (Christopher Jaffe).

9. Lighting Public Spaces (Paul Marantz).

10. Bringing the New to Old Theaters (Hugh Hardy).

11. Organization: Process and Team (Hugh Hardy).

12. The Business and Art of Theater Management (Duncan Webb).



