Wiley Survival Guide in Global Telecommunications: Broadband Access, Optical Components and Networks, and Cryptography
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Readers will now be able to quickly learn about the exciting field of telecom technologies with this introductory book. This new series presents the material in an easy-to-understand that helps broaden conceptual horizons, focusing on the applied areas of broadband and cryptography.


EMMANUEL DESURVIRE has been involved in optical telecommunications for nearly twenty years, starting with his PhD work on Raman fiber amplifiers at Thomson-CSF in 1983, followed by post-doctoral research at Stanford University. He then joined AT&T Bell Laboratories for five years, where he led the early investigation and development of erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA). For his pioneering contributions to EDFAs, he received several national and international awards including the 1994 Prize from the International Commission for Optics and the 1998 Benjamin Franklin Medal in engineering. After a two-year professorship at Columbia University, he joined Alcatel where he conducted research on long-haul soliton transmission and all-optical regeneration, then 40Gbit/s systems development. He also created and directed a corporate program to foster synergies between experts and promote innovation. An IEEE Fellow, he has authored or coauthored more than 200 technical publications, four books, and over thirty patents.


Foreword, ix

Preface, xiii

Acronyms, xix

Introduction: The Network Cloud, 1

CHAPTER 1 Broadband Wireline Access, 11

1.1 From Telephone and Cable-TV Networks to the Internet, 11

1.2 Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), 14

1.2.1 xDSL Flavors, 17

1.2.2 DSL Modulation and Coding Schemes, 22

1.2.3 DSL-signal Physical Impairments, 31

1.2.4 DSL Transfer Modes and Framing, 34

1.2.5 xDSL Services, 50

1.2.6 Voice Over DSL (VoDSL), 51

1.2.7 Incumbent and Competitive Local-Exchange Carriers (ILEC/CLEC), 52

1.3 Fiber in the Loop (FITL), 55

1.3.1 Passive Optical Networks (PON), TDM vs. WDM, 58

1.3.2 ATM and Ethernet Framing (APON/EPON) and Gigabit-PON (GPON), 66

1.3.3 Optical Access, 75

1.3.4 Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial (HFC) Systems, 76

1.4 Home Networking, 82

1.4.1 The Evolution of Intelligent Home Appliances, 82

1.4.2 An Internet Intrusion, 84

1.4.3 Wiring the House Network, 86

1.4.4 House-Network Control, 88

My Vocabulary, 89

CHAPTER 2 Optical Fiber Communications, Components and Networks, 91

2.1 Optical Communications: from Wireless to Wireline, 91

2.1.1 The Early Times of Wireless Optical Communications, 92

2.1.2 The Conceptual Grounds of Wireline Optical Communications, 94

2.2 Basic Physics of Light-Wave Signals, 96

2.2.1 Light’s Electromagnetic Nature, 97

2.2.2 The Speed of Light, 98

2.2.3 Light Reflection, Refraction and Polarization, 100

2.2.4 Classical and Quantum Natures of Light, 110

2.2.5 Optical Amplification, 116

2.2.6 Light and Photo-Current Generation in Semiconductors, 121

2.2.7 Lasers and Coherent Light Generation, 123

2.3 Optical Waveguides, 132

2.3.1 Ray Propagation in Index Layers and Waveguiding, 133

2.3.2 Mirror Waveguide, 137

2.3.3 Dielectric Waveguide, 138

2.3.4 Glass Fiber Waveguides, 149

2.3.5 Fiber Loss and Dispersion, 156

2.3.6 Single-Mode Transmission-Fiber Types and Dispersion Compensation, 162

2.3.7 Polarization-Mode Dispersion (PMD), 168

2.3.8 Fiber Nonlinearities, 174

2.4 Passive Optical Components, 194

2.4.1 Connectors, Couplers, Splitters/Combiners, Multiplexers/Demultiplexers, and Polarization-Based Devices, 196

2.4.2 Optical Filters, 217

2.4.3 Compensation and Power Equalization, 228

2.4.4 Optical Fiber Amplifiers, 234

2.5 Active Optical Components, 249

2.5.1 Laser Sources and Transmitters, 249

2.5.2 Photodetectors and Receivers, 262

2.5.3 Photonic Switching and Optical Cross-Connects, 271

2.5.4 All-Optical Signal Regeneration, 285

2.6 WDM Networks, 292

2.6.1 Wavelength Standards and Digital Hierarchy, 293

2.6.2 Point-to-Point WDM Transport, 296

2.6.3 WDM Network Topology and Wavelength Connectivity, 304

2.6.4 Network Protection and Virtual-Topology Design, 317

2.6.5 Network Evolution and Convergence, 329

Exercises, 335

My Vocabulary, 339

CHAPTER 3 Cryptography and Communications Security, 345

3.1 Message Encryption, Decryption and Cryptanalysis, 345

3.1.1 Mono- and Multi-Alphabetic Encryption, 348

3.1.2 Frequency Analysis, 352

3.1.3 Other Classical Ciphers, 363

3.2 Modern Cryptography Algorithms, 382

3.2.1 Encryption With Binary Numbers, 382

3.2.2 Double-Key Encryption, 389

3.2.3 Modular-Algebra Basics, 391

3.2.4 Cryptography Without Key Exchange, 396

3.2.5 Public-Key Cryptography and RSA, 398

3.3 Communications Security and Applications, 407

3.3.1 Data Encryption Standard (DES), 407

3.3.2 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 418

3.3.3 Other Encryption Algorithms and Standards, 427

3.3.4 Digital Signature and Authentication, 432

3.3.5 Network and Internet Security, 441

3.3.6 Current and Futuristic Applications of Cryptography, 451

3.4 Quantum Cryptography, 461

3.4.1 Photons, Polarization States and Measurements, 461

3.4.2 Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), 468

My Vocabulary, 475

Solutions to Exercises, 479

Bibliography, 501

Index, 507


"Designed to be of interest to technical and nontechnical readers…[the book] provides in-depth discussions…" (Photonics Spectra, May 2005)