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- Wiley
More About This Title Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns, Second Edition
- English
"The most complete reference to chart patterns available. It goes where no one has gone before. Bulkowski gives hard data on how good and bad the patterns are. A must-read for anyone that's ever looked at a chart and wondered what was happening."
-- Larry Williams, trader and author of Long-Term Secrets to Short-Term Trading
- English
- English
PART ONE: Chart Patterns.
1. Broadening Bottoms.
2. Broadening Formations, Right-Angled and Ascending.
3. Broadening Formations, Right-Angled and Descending.
4. Broadening Tops.
5. Broadening Wedges, Ascending.
6. Broadening Wedges, Descending.
7. Bump-and-Run Reversal Bottoms.
8. Bump-and-Run Reversal Tops.
9. Cup with Handle.
10. Cup with Handle, Inverted.
11. Diamond Bottoms.
12. Diamond Tops.
13. Double Bottoms, Adam & Adam.
14. Double Bottoms, Adam & Eve.
15. Double Bottoms, Eve & Adam.
16. Double Bottoms, Eve & Eve.
17. Double Tops, Adam & Adam.
18. Double Tops, Adam & Eve.
19. Double Tops, Eve & Adam.
20. Double Tops, Eve & Eve.
21. Flags.
22. Flags, High and Tight.
23. Gaps.
24. Head-and-Shoulders Bottoms.
25. Head-and-Shoulders Bottoms, Complex.
26. Head-and-Shoulders Tops.
27. Head-and-Shoulders Tops, Complex.
28. Horn Bottoms.
29. Horn Tops.
30. Island Reversals.
31. Islands, Long.
32. Measured Move Down.
33. Measured Move Up.
34. Pennants.
35. Pipe Bottoms.
36. Pipe Tops.
37. Rectangle Bottoms.
38. Rectangle Tops.
39. Rounding Bottoms.
40. Rounding Tops.
41. Scallops, Ascending.
42. Scallops, Ascending and Inverted.
43. Scallops, Descending.
44. Scallops, Descending and Inverted.
45. Three Falling Peaks.
46. Three Rising Valleys.
47. Triangles, Ascending.
48. Triangles, Descending.
49. Triangles, Symmetrical.
50. Triple Bottoms.
51. Triple Tops.
52. Wedges, Falling.
53. Wedges, Rising.
PART TWO: Event Patterns.
54. Dead-Cat Bounce.
55. Dead-Cat Bounce, Inverted.
56. Earnings Surprise, Bad.
57. Earnings Surprise, Good.
58. FDA Drug Approvals.
59. Flag, Earnings.
60. Same-Store Sales, Bad.
61. Same-Store Sales, Good.
62. Stock Downgrades.
63. Stock Upgrades.
Statistics Summary.
Glossary and Methodology.
Index of Chart and Event Patterns.
- English
“The book is called an ‘Encyclopedia’ for a reason. In roughly 1000 pages, it contains 53 chart patterns plus 9 more event patterns which will pretty much cover you for any chart you come across…. if you take technical trading seriously, it is a book that should be on your shelf.”
—Alan Battista, Stockineer.com Book Review