A Probabilistic Analysis of the Sacco and Vanzetti Evidence
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  • Wiley

More About This Title A Probabilistic Analysis of the Sacco and Vanzetti Evidence


A Probabilistic Analysis of the Sacco and Vanzetti Evidence is aBayesian analysis of the trial and post-trial evidence in the Saccoand Vanzetti case, based on subjectively determined probabilitiesand assumed relationships among evidential events. It applies theideas of charting evidence and probabilistic assessment to thiscase, which is perhaps the ranking cause celebre in all of Americanlegal history. Modern computation methods applied to inferencenetworks are used to show how the inferential force of evidence ina complicated case can be graded. The authors employ probabilisticassessment to obtain opinions about how influential each group ofevidential items is in reaching a conclusion about the defendants'innocence or guilt.

A Probabilistic Analysis of the Sacco and Vanzetti Evidence holdsparticular interest for statisticians and probabilists in academiaand legal consulting, as well as for the legal community,historians, and behavioral scientists. It combines structural andprobabilistic ideas in the analysis of masses of evidence fromevery recognized logical species of evidence. Twenty-eight chartsshow the chains of reasoning in defense of the relevance ofevidentiary matters and a listing of trial witnesses who providedthe evidence. References include nearly 300 items drawn from thefields of probability theory, history, law, artificialintelligence, psychology, literature, and other areas.


JOSEPH B. KADANE is Leonard J. Savage Professor of Statistics and Social Sciences in the Department of Statistics at the Carnegie Mellon University. In 1993 he was cowinner of the Frank Wilcoxon Award. Professor Kadane is the author of Bayesian Methods and Ethics in a Clinical Trial Design and coauthor of Statistics and the Law (Wiley).

DAVID A. SCHUM is Professor of Information Technology and Engineering and Professor of Law at George Mason University. A Fellow of the American Psychological Association, he is the author of Evidential Foundations of Probabilistic Reasoning (Wiley).


Different Wine in an Old Bottle.

A Standpoint for Our Analysis of the Sacco and VanzettiEvidence.

Chains of Reasoning from a Mass of Evidence.

Grading the Probative Force of the Sacco and VanzettiEvidence.

Probabilistic Analyses: Issues and Methods.

Probabilistic Analyses: Judgments and Stories.

Probabilistic Analyses of Evidence in Various Disciplines.

Final Thoughts About Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti.


