Investment Project Design: A Guide to Financial and Economic Analysis with Constraints + Web Site
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More About This Title Investment Project Design: A Guide to Financial and Economic Analysis with Constraints + Web Site


Make more informed project investment decisions by knowing what issues to examine in the planning process and how to analyze their impacts

Poor or insufficient planning is primarily responsible for the inordinate number of idle and rusting capital facilities around the world, with investment decisions often made on the basis of either intuition or inadequate analysis. Investment Project Design: A Guide to Financial and Economic Analysis with Constraints alerts potential investors and other stakeholders to precipitous changes in the investment milieu as a result of constraints on resources and infrastructure, economic and political turmoil, and population growth. The guide

  • Includes descriptions of specific methods of financial and economic analysis for new investments and for expansion of an existing enterprise
  • Covers project risk assessment, mitigation and avoidance
  • Provides real-life case studies, adapted for presentation, and addresses the design of projects large and small, as well as those in both private and public sectors
  • Features spreadsheet layouts and computations

Investment Project Design is the ultimate resource in the methods of designing and appraising investment projects


Lech Kurowski is an economist with over twenty-five years of experience in investment projects analysis. Currently a professor of economic analysis at the Wrocław University of Economics in Wrocław, Poland, he has performed investment studies and has served as analyst for investment proposals prepared by consulting companies for governments and private investors in over forty countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

David Sussman is an industrial engineer who has served as consultant to medium and small-scale enterprises and has conducted workshops and seminars throughout the world, particularly in Latin America. He was responsible for most of the important systems design and developed many of the concepts used in the investment project analysis program of the U.N. Industrial Development Organization. He has designed financial management systems in both the public and private sectors.


Acknowledgments xi

Symbols and Most Frequently Used Acronyms xiii

Introduction 1

CHAPTER 1 Investment Environment 9

Systematic Project Analysis 10

Project Environment and Strategy 11

Project Development Process 33

Planning Horizon and Project Life 43

Project Scope 44

Preinvestment Studies 46

Investment Planning Infrastructure 58

Appendix 1.1: Elements of Commercial and Wider Domains 60

Appendix 1.2: Outline of Business Plan for a Manufacturing Enterprise 62

Appendix 1.3: Outline of Design/Study Report 63

Appendix 1.4: Information Flow Details 67

Notes 69

References 74

CHAPTER 2 Preparing Pro-Forma Financial Statements 75

Accounting System 77

Process of Financial Analysis 81

Financial Costs and Benefits 84

Investment Costs 87

Production Cost 116

Operating Cost, Factory Cost, and Cost of Product Sold 122

Financial Statements 127

Appendix 2.1: Depreciation Methods 142

Appendix 2.2: Starting Inventory Balance 148

Notes 150

CHAPTER 3 Financial Indicators and Criteria 155

Static Indicators 155

Types of Static Indicators 156

Dynamic Indicators 169

Financial Criteria for Investment Decisions 188

Analysis of Joint Ventures 203

Project of an Ongoing Enterprise 206

Appendix 3.1: Example of Cost of Capital Calculations 219

Notes 225

References 228

CHAPTER 4 Financing the Project 231

Capital Structure 232

Cost of Capital 249

Notes 255

References 256

CHAPTER 5 The Economic Perspective 257

Private Sector 259

Public Sector 259

General Rationale for Economic Evaluation—Who Needs It? 260

Macroeconomic View—Impact on the National Economy 262

Price Distortions 266

Applicability and Scope 272

Economic Pricing Principles 278

Shadow Prices of Primary Resources (National Parameters) 292

Conversion and Adjustment Factors 297

Appendix 5.1: Costs and Benefits of Revenue Projects 299

Appendix 5.2: Global Pricing Framework—Importable Input Forgone 301

Notes 303

References 307

CHAPTER 6 Economic Cost/Benefit Analysis 309

Adjustments for the Wider Domain 311

Valuation at Market Prices 311

Define the Accounting Unit 317

Value-Added 343

Notes 354

References 358

CHAPTER 7 Investment Decisions under Uncertainty and Risk 359

Forecasting 359

Risk—Dealing with Uncertainty 364

Quantitative Risk Assessment 369

Qualitative Risk Assessment 380

Risk Management 380

Risk Immunization for Financiers 383

International Investors and Risk 385

Appendix 7.1: Discrete Probability Analysis—Multivariate 386

Notes 387

References 390

CHAPTER 8 Project Appraisal 391

Macro-Micro Appraisal 392

SWOT Analysis 393

Stakeholder Perspectives 396

Appraisal Report 399

Caveats for the Appraiser 406

Notes 407

References 408

CHAPTER 9 Implementation Planning and Budgeting 409

Implementation Planning 410

Project Management 412

Conducting the Implementation Project 416

Implementation Budget 437

Appendix 9.1: Sample Responsibility Matrix for a Portion of a Project 438

Appendix 9.2: Checklist of Project Implementation Costs 438

Notes 442

References 443

About the Authors 445

Index 447
